Tuesday, August 26, 2008

why im here...

My name is melissa. I am an artist. I have recently admitted my addiction. I come from a long line of addicts in my family. It began with my grandmother who was very fashionable, but as she grew older her crafts became more addictive. She saved everything, just in case you could make something out of it. When she passed we found she had collected many variations of craft materials. She had it bad. The boxes and bags of "things" were everywhere. I still havent figured out what im soposed to make out of the gallon milk jug tops...
My mother has inherited this addiction, yes addictions are hereditary. Yet she has been able to funnel all the energy and inspiration to a more controlled environment. She focuses on mostly quilting, but still dabbles in various other addicting art forms. From sewing to Be-jeweling.
My sisters, Jennifer and melanie, have also been subjected to these addictions. Melanie is not as strung out as Jennifer. Melanie does some sewing, quilting, her addiction at hand is making handmade tote bags. We are watching her closely. Jennifer on the other hand, is way out of control. Besides her passion for Teaching Elementary School 2nd grade, she sews, paints,creative memories, photography, calligraphy, she even makes her own cards and stationary. Now she is pushing the stuff, being a distributor so she can get her own stash for less...
As I sit back and watch my family my heart is overfilled with love and joy seeing the people I love the most enjoy their life and their passions. I am very happy to have received these hereditary traits in my gene's and am thankful they have all shared their passions with me and help me embrace my own...right now, its handmade wine totes!